Friday, December 23, 2016

New Tree

We needed a table top tree this year because we have a toddler in the house. We will have a toddler next year too.  Henry and Lily.
To decorate this tree we choose new ornaments to represent each of the grandchildren and the three unmarried children.  
A Penguin for Joey
This doll represents Madison
This doll for Hailey
Here is the Lily doll
This animal is for Calvin
Bradley is into foxes now
This little bird is for our Henry
This tent represents Thomas
And an E for Emma.
Even though it's a small tree we can still take nice family pictures in front of it.
We also planted bulbs this year.  Paper whites and amaryllis.  I planted them in glass containers so we could see their roots.  Come  on and bloom amaryllis because its almost Christmas.


  1. Thanks to a very creative and thoughtful Grandma ❤️ It was a very beautiful and practical Christmas this year. Well done 🎄

  2. I love all of these recent photos!! What a great window into your Christmas memories. I love the ornaments dedicated to the children-great idea.
