Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Everyone came home for Thanksgiving this year.  Matt and Susan flew in.  David and Cassie drove here from Caldwell.  They did well until they hit the pass...it was closed...they had to wait for hours...That did not make the trip fun.  Here is Calvin when they finally arrived

Wednesday the girls and I got to go and paint

Here is what we made

We than brought Mexican food home for dinner and watched a chick flick.

Thursday, we ate dinner.
We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and because both girls had to work, we sent the girls out for the black Friday ads and poured over them while snacking on soup and lil smokies.  When the girls arrived home it was time for the main event, the dinner.  To start the dinner I had a small candle next to every ones place setting.  Instead of going around the table and saying what your thankful for, we turned out all the lights and each person lit their candle and slowly the table began to glow with light. This, I said, was a visual representation of the light, joy and love each of them have brought to my life.  The middle candles represented our grandparents who came before us and are the reason we are here.  My family might of thought it was cheesy, but I loved it.

We also had note cards hidden in our napkins which had questions on them that we could ask during dinner.
Hanging from the lights in the background and on the branches are things we have written down in previous years that we are thankful for.

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