Computer/phone trouble has plagued our home these last two weeks. Everything is now fixed, yea!!
August 10th we went on a picnic to Easton Lake.
It was a little chilly in the morning.
The kids played card games.
Some of us brought books to read.
Later we all played "Taboo".
Than we played a family trust game.
In this game you take turns being blindfolded and than led on a walk.
It was interesting how nervous you can become when you can not see where you are going.
It was also a challenge for the sighted partner who had to become very aware of the surrounding so as to not have the blindfolded person trip etc..
Even though we had been snacking all morning it was time for lunch.
We had deli sandwiches, pea salad, fruity popcorn, chips, grapes, apples, Texas sheet cake and oreos.
We went exploring
We played a family game of "Taboo".
When it warmed up Joey took a dip.

We love Easton Lake!