Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to school part 1

Sarah left for school today.   We miss her already.  She was very excited to get back to school and see her friends and a little nervous too.  It been two years since she has been in school.

We celebrated her birthday while she was home.

She requested a German chocolate cake and she wanted to bake it herself.
The cake was very yummy.  Here it is.

We wish Sarah much success this year!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Birthday Surprise

Sarah jumped off Tiger Mountain for her 23rd birthday!!

That speck in the sky is Sarah.
We told her that for her birthday the family would like to hike to the top of Tiger Mountain.  She thought that was a great idea.    When we got there Randy came over and asked if she would like to fly today.
( Dad had this all planned out)
They hiked up to the top and para glided down.

She is gliding in tandem with Randy.

Here they are getting ready to land.


Safely on the ground.

She LOVED the flight !!!
Happy Birthday Sarah

Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome back

Computer/phone trouble has plagued our home these last two weeks.  Everything is now fixed, yea!!

August 10th we went on a picnic to Easton Lake.

It was a little chilly in the morning.

The kids played card games. 
Some of us brought books to read.
Later we all played "Taboo".

Than we played a family trust game. 
In this game you take turns being blindfolded and than led on a walk. 
It was interesting how nervous you can become when you can not see where you are going.
It was also a challenge for the sighted partner who had to become very aware of the surrounding so as to not have the blindfolded person trip etc..

Even though we  had been snacking all morning it was time for lunch.
We had deli sandwiches, pea salad, fruity popcorn, chips, grapes, apples, Texas sheet cake and oreos.

We went exploring

We played a family game of "Taboo".

When it warmed up Joey took a dip.

We love Easton Lake!

Friday, August 6, 2010


This week Sarah and Thomas joined us on our hike.  We still haven't made it to the top poo poo point.

After the hike we headed to Athens pizzas and pasta.

Yum.....Turkey :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

cub camp

This was our last cub camp.
They celebrated 100 years of scouting with a space theme.
Joey's favorite activity at camp was launching pop bottle rockets.

His second favorite was shooting BB guns.  He got three bulleyes!!

He had a great time. 

Goodbye July

Here is how Madison looked on the fourth of July

Scout Camp

Thomas had a great time at scout camp.
He was the patrol leader.
The group.

building a fire

He did lots of stuff in the water including a mile swim.

Here he is climbing up the wall...he  than repeled down the other side.

Goodbye July

Here is how Calvin  looked on the fourth of July.